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Pal Crash Reporter "A process has crashed: UE-Pal" error


Staff member
Jan 20, 2024

Pal Crash Reporter “A process has crashed: UE-Pal” error.​

Since the game is very new and has not been tested on a large scale, these problems occur frequently.

We noticed that different mistakes happen at different times throughout the day.

One of these errors is when the PAL CRASH REPORTER opens and shuts down your game.

To report these error codes to PocketPair, click the “Send and Close” button located below on the right side of the screen, or you can report them at “Pocketpair Forms”. This way, you will communicate all unresolved issues to the production team and help them find solutions quickly.

Considering the game is still very new, it’s understandable that some problems have not been solved yet. If you are looking for solutions to the issues you are experiencing, please let us know by opening a thread in the relevant sections of the forum. We will respond promptly.

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New member
Jan 26, 2024
I have found a solution to the issue for now, thankfully to someone who experienced the issue too themselves. I scoured various forums and found someone on a steam forum named Fr3x who has found a temporary solution.

First Load the world as Single player only, after the game loads in completely, then exit. After you exit single player, change it immediately to multiplayer then load the world, it should work.

It solved my issue completely. I hope it solves yours.


New member
Jan 27, 2024
Getting this error, have tried loading the world as single player only, which works. But when i leave and change it to multiplayer then i am getting the crash error.

Any other ideas?