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How to solve "Black Screen error" . Game Stuck on Black Screen (FIX)


Staff member
Jan 20, 2024

Black Screen error. Game Stuck on Black Screen​

The black screen error started to reoccur very frequently. The solution to this is quite simple. Here’s the solution:

  1. Go to Credential Manager by clicking on this link: https://support.microsoft.com/windows/accessing… Then, open the Windows Credentials section (not the Web option). Look for XblGrts|DeviceKey and remove it.
    (Actually, your problem should be solved after this step. Please try entering the game again. If your problem is not resolved, continue following the steps below.)
  2. Go to Settings, > Accounts and choose Email > accounts. Find the account that is causing the issue and make sure that the setting ‘Apps need to ask me to use this account’ is enabled.
    This can be helpful if you have multiple accounts because it gives you the option to select the correct account when you start up.
    If you prefer, you can always change it back to the automatic option. You can also try removing the account from here and adding it again later.
  3. Follow this file path: C:\Users[Your Username]\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider_cw5n1h2txyewy\AC\TokenBroker. In this location, delete the Accounts and Cache folders. These folders will be removed from the Xbox Identity Provider.

After these steps, your problem will be solved.
If you are still having problems, please let us know the problem you are experiencing, with a screenshot if available, or by explaining it in detail.

If you encounter any other problems, please do not hesitate to write to us.
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New member
Jan 24, 2024
So I did every step in here and it didn’t help at all. When the game first came out I was able to play with no issues. I’m also thinking it could be an Nvidia driver issue causing this problem. I installed the latest Nvidia Gpu driver and I’m pretty sure that’s when things started going to crap. I’m going to roll back my driver to the last stable and see if that can help. Truly is a shame this game is actually really fun and I can’t wait to see what the finished product is going to look like. I have a 3060Ti i7-8700k with 32Gb of ram so my pc isn’t the issue. (Did a driver rollback and still didn’t work)
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Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
If you use current Nvidia driver that is the problem.

If you have problem with Palworld Black Screen Install an older driver version from 2021 from Nvidia.

When you start the game, you might see a message asking you to update the driver. You can ignore this and choose “no,” as the game will still start without any problems.


New member
Jan 26, 2024
Stop telling people this. It has not fixed the problem. Stop blaming it on another company, it is your game, fix it. Wtf.


New member
Jul 24, 2024
For those following all these steps and it still won't let them try this:

Delete the dwmapi.dll in Pal/Binaries/Win64 folder. That fixed it for me and I have an Nvidia RTC 4070.