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Double-D's PW Server | U.S. EST [NA] | PvPvE | Wiped 02-23 |


New member
Mar 13, 2024
Casual, personal 24/7 dedi Linux (U.S. EST\English) server. I'm open to all ?, concerns, input a/o recommendations.

Come, enjoy a whole new Pal-world!

Wiped: 02/06/24

Version: v0.1.5.1

Direct Steam Connect: steam://connect/
...or search for 'Double-D's Palworld Server'


  • Exp Rate: 1.50
  • CollectionDropRate: 1.20
  • CollectionObjectHpRate: 0.8
  • CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate: 0.8
  • EnemyDropItemRate: 1.25
Discord: 2jwYtw77hn
Voice chat welcomed & encouraged.

Steam Acct:

  • Handle: i_robot73
  • ID: 76561197978948986
(Possible) Down\Slow-times: [UTC-5]:
  • LGSM Update : 00:45 Sun
  • RCON Save: Every hour
  • Backup : Every 6-hrs
  • Reboot\Update: 06:30